About Us
Mom + Dad + Four Rambunctious Boys + Adventure = raffys on the road

Greetings and salutations! I’m Melissa and I’m the mom behind Raffys on the Road. My awesomely adorable husband, Cody, and I have four incredibly high-energy boys – I wonder where they got that from? <looks in mirror>
With four boys you don’t have much options to keep them entertained except to GET OUTSIDE. So that’s what we’ve done. Since they were all little, we’ve hiked, paddled, and camped our way into finding our passion – traveling and exploring with the kids.
While we love exploring the Southeast with the kids and enjoy our current trips, we’ve always yearned for more – more time together, more places to explore, and more time to see and do all that we want before the kids grow up (which is happening way too fast).
A judge I once worked for told me that “you can do it all, you just can’t do it all at the same time.” And we’ve found that, indeed, we can’t do all the traveling we want with the kids AND keep the hectic, crazy life we have at home. So we’ve parsed out our priorities and for a year we plan to focus on those priorities – family time and connection, teaching a worldly view (even if it’s just inside the US), and appreciation and gratitude for all we have.
And to do that – to focus on those priorities – we plan is to take a “year off.” We are planning to sell all our things, rent out our home, take the kids out of school, and travel the county FULL TIME in an RV (of some sort, yet to be determined) for a year! We are both excited and terrified about this next adventure (read here to find out how we came to this crazy decision), but couldn’t be happier to finally make our dream a reality.
As we prepare for this next adventure, you can check out our progress here. I can tell you this planning stage is not all sunshine and roses and there are so many incredibly hard decisions. But we’re working toward it and hope to be on the road next summer!
While you’re here you can check out what we’ve been up to lately, our road trip progress, and also learn all about how to get started adventuring with your family – from hiking, to paddling, to camping (it’s not as hard as you think!) – and all the gear and fun stuff we recommend. Looking for your next adventure or destination – check out where we’ve been and our recommendations here!
Thanks so much for visiting! We look forward to hearing about your family adventures and sharing with you our journey as well as our tips (and failures) along the way!
Enjoy and happy adventures!
“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

THE amazing dad and fabulous husband of our clan. He brings lots of love and patience, a quiet (but hilarious) sense of humor, and the common sense of the bunch. He's a computer guru and makes the best campfires around.

I'm Melissa, the mom of the Raffy 6-Pack clan. I'm a former attorney turned stay-at-home mom and I'm now chief planner of adventures and our grand cross-country adventure. I love to sew and run, but mostly spending time with this crazy crew.

Colton is the oldest of the boy crew. A natural leader, peace keeper, and helper. He loves all things math and science. The hair is a blog post in an of itself, but in short, he's been growing it since he was four, but I do make him trim it.

Jackson is third and is the quintessential wild child. He is goofy and funny and keeps us on our toes, always into or up to something. But he loves life, loves his family, and loves to play.

Ian is second born and sweet as can be. He is absolutely my lover of the group and beats to his own drum. He loves unicorns, kittens, drawing, and music. Ian (usually) had a great attitude and embodies our "Raffys do hard things" motto.

Nathan is the baby of the group, but don't let that fool you. What he lacks in size (though he doesn't lack much in size), he makes up for in spunk, attitude, grit, and determination. This toddler wholeheartedly believes he's one of the big kids.